Tag Archives: coconut milk

What is Coconut Milk? : Top six health benefits of Coconut Milk

What is Coconut Milk? The coconut (Cocos nucifera) belongs to the palm family (Arecaceae) and grows in abundance throughout Malaysia, Polynesia and southern Asia. Although often considered a nut, coconuts are in fact classed as a fruit, specifically a one-seeded drupe. Nearly all parts of the coconut can be used, including the water, milk, flesh, sugar and oil. It’s […]

What’s the Difference ? : Coconut Milk vs Coconut Water

Coconut milk and coconut water are beverages made from the Cocos nucifera plant, otherwise known as the coconut palm. Coconut water is a clear, fat-free liquid that is a ready-to-drink beverage, while coconut milk is a processed beverage.Coconut water and coconut milk are both derived from coconuts, but they are quite different in terms of texture, […]